About Page

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About Page

About Page - Ste-B2B Additional Information

Firstly, Ste-B2B Promotions was founded in 2008—Moreso, by our CEO, Ste Blaney. With, over a decade of experience in the industry.

Therefore, we have become a leading provider. Also, promotional services for small businesses. Startups. And, digital marketers.

80+ Admin Team Members: About Page Information

Our team of 16 senior admins. And, 70+ general admins. All, work tirelessly. Additionally to generate. Moreover, 2,000-5,000 daily visits. Additionally, to our promotions agency..

This has helped us build a community. Besides, of over 73,000 verified. And, active members. Who trusts us. Therefore, to promote their brands.

We understand that as a small business. Or startups, it can be challenging to compete. Also, with larger companies. Besides, with bigger marketing budgets.

That's why we offer. Very affordable promotional campaigns. Starting at just £7. Through our targeted services. We help you reach your target audience. And, increase brand awareness.

At Ste-B2B Promotions. Because we believe. Moreso, in building long-term partnerships. With our clients. We are dedicated. Besides, to constantly improve.

And evolving our strategies. To provide you with the best results. For your business. Join us on this journey. Mainly, towards the path of success.

Plus, let Ste-B2B Promotions. Therefore, be your partner in growth. Our team is always available. To assist you. With any questions. Or concerns.

About Page: Together, let's take your business to new heights!

Ste-B2B Newest Senior Admin Profiles - Visitor Page Navigation Support Banner
Ste-B2B Ste-B Special Red Border Senior Admin Profile Pic Banner Image

Ste Blaney

Founder + Owner
About Page

Hellen James

Senior Admin
Sarah Collins Special Pink Border 150x150

Sarah Collins

Senior Admin
sherena begum special_pink_border: Admin Team Profile Site Visitor Support

Sherena Begum

Senior Admin
Jodie Fisher Special Pink Border 150x150: Senior Admin Team Member Jodie About Page Visitor Support Information Banner

Jodie Fisher

senior Admin
Joel Barton Special Pink Border 150x150: About Page Senior Admin Profile Pic Visitor Information Support Banner

Joel Barton

Senior Admin
Issie Special Pink Border: About Page Admin Profile Pic

Issie Carter

Senior Admin
Emma Hughes Special Pink Border 150x150: Senior Admin Team Member Profile Pic Visitor Support Information Banner

Emma Hughes

Senior Admin

Kelly Diaz

Senior Admin
Isabel Regan Profile Pic

Isabel Regan

Senior Admin
Emma Profile Pic

Emma Jones

Senior Admin
Jolene Profile Pic

Jolene Adams

Senior Admin
Sam Hurst

Sam Hurst

Senior Admin
Isla Cooke

Isla Cooke

Senior Admin

Lotty Spears

Senior Admin

Yasmin King

Senior Admin
About Page

Hello to all of our visitors and members. I'm Hellen James. I'm aged 35 and joined Ste-B2B Agency during it's launching in 2008. My duties for Ste-B2B are to provide copywriting content for the 2x B2B Agencies and 4 eCommerce websites which we manage. I can prepare copy content for any type of pages or posts. Also, within any niche category. I've been a published writer since aged 18, for both poetry and short stories. I'm available for hire with more about me on https://ste-b2b.agency/copy/ web page. I truly enjoy working for Ste-B2B Promotional Agency. I also consider the remaining General and Senior Admin enjoy working here. I can always also be contacted at my email address hellen@ste-b2b.agency

Kelly Diaz Senior Admin Pic

A warm 'Hello' to you. I'm 32yo Kelly Diaz. I have also been with Ste-B2B Promotional Agency since the beginning in 2008. I have many daily duties at Ste-B2B. This is because Ste-B/Himself has sponsored my education on many learning courses. I have since joining our agency became qualified as a consultant webmaster and digital marketing strategist. I'm also a qualified web designer/developer. Ste-B is also qualfied in the same areas, along with he is also qualified in many additional areas. In order to direct our teams, Ste-B needs to know each team member's vocational role. I sometimes also host Ste-B2B Live Chat Support. I can also provide support from my email for any questions about any Onsite or Offsite SEO issues.     kelly@ste-b2b.agency

Issie Special Pink Border: About Page Admin Profile Pic

Hi everybody. I'm Isabella Carter. I'm sometimes called Isabel by people. But my family, friends, colleagues and now yourself know me as being Issie, I'm aged 29, having joined Ste-B2B junior admin at age 18. Almost 12 years ago now. I am able to provide huge bonuses for any order. I'm also competent to provide support or answer any queries for any campaign. This is why my daily duties involve the hosting of Live Chat Support. I also receive the most email support requests. This is due to my email address being published near the footer of the Ste-B2B Homepage. I can provide you with support instantly within Live Chat Support. Or if you would prefer, I can also provide very extensive support from my email:  issie.c@ste-b2b.agency

Sarah Collins Special Pink Border 150x150

Hello visitors, members, clients, agencies, freelancers and affiliate marketing publishers. I'm Sarah Collins, aged 25. I also first joined our Ste-B2B Agency at age 18 as junior admin. I really cannot believe this was almost 8 years ago. Our junior admin are firstly introduced to any role or roles they have an interest with. Ste-B then has the ability to determine junior admins potential. He would then sponsor the junior team member for educational learning courses. Ste-B determined my own abilities as having the potential to study backlinks submission, indexing, pinging, along with verifying backlinks. I'm now qualified to build backlinks for any general, adult or casino niches. I can now also provide unique blog comments links - My email:        sarah@ste-b2b.agency

About Page: Email Any of Our Senior Admin

Jodie Fisher Special Pink Border 150x150

Hey-ya!! I'm 27yo Jodie Fisher. I didn't join Ste-B2B until 2015, Or when I was aged 22. I was invited to join our Ste-B2B Agency Senior Admin team during 2017. Or almost 5yrs ago. Before I first joined Ste-B2B I was already a qualified WordPress CMS consultant. The thing with all web developer/designer courses there are only so many modules which apply to each educational course. I've worked really hard for Mr B, however, he has also shown much effort by supporting my courses fees. Some courses I've studied have been in university, as others have been college courses. With a particular set of course modules I wanted, I needed to attend night school. You could always contact me at my email address:        jodie@ste-b2b.agency

Emma Hughes Special Pink Border 150x150: Senior Admin Team Member Profile Pic Visitor Support Information Banner

HELLO! And, many, many thanks for reading my senior admin team profile content. My name's Emma Hughes, I'm senior admins youngest team member at just aged 23. To be quite honest I was cheated into joining Ste-B2B Agency junior admin in 2015. When I was aged 18. I'm the very best friend of Stephens adopted 21yo daughter, Erica. It was the lovely caring Erica who first got me a starting chance within Ste-B2B. Since i have learned how to process and manage orders for delivery. I'm also now able to setup and deliver both Onsite + Offsite SEO reports. Ste was no stranger to me when I first started with Ste-B2B. As I'd met him countless times previously in and I've stayed over with Erica many times - Email:       emma@ste-b2b.agency

sherena begum special_pink_border: Admin Team Profile Site Visitor Support

Hi Folks, I'm Sherena Begum, being aged 29. I first joined Ste-B2B Promotional Agency 11/years ago in 2010. I joined our senior admin team in 2012. I have risen to manage both of our general and senior admin as our head of web designer/developers and consultants. I was born in Bangladesh, although my family emigrated to Liverpool, England when I was just 4/yo. It's funny really, as I clearly remember my 4th birthday party. Opening my gifts and blowing the candles out on my birthday cake. However, I cannot remember celebrating my 4th birthday in Bangladesh or the intensive Asian weather temperature. I have since grown-up and was Educated in the UK. Many thanks for stopping by and reading my Admin Profile, My Email         sherena@ste-b2b.agency

Ste-B2B Ste-B Special Red Border Senior Admin Profile Pic Banner Image

Hello again, I'm 58 years old Stephen Blaney - AKA Ste-B/Himself. Although I'm considered by all our teams to also be Senior Admin. I placed my profile last. As, during the past few years I've been spending my time directing our junior, general and senior admin teams, This means lately I haven't been that work productive, even though I do truly love working best. I'm a consultant webmaster and digital marketing strategist. I'm also a domain registrar and reseller web host. I'm a web & logos designer/developer. A copywriter and a devoted dad to my 24yo son, Jamie. Plus, 21yo adopted daughter Erica. You can contact me directly at my email address. I also enjoy hosting Live Chat Support for maybe a few hours each week:         ste@ste-b2b.agency

Why Choose Ste-B2B.Agency Promotions?

  • Consultant Webmasters Since 2008
  • Lead Generation Agency
  • White Label Resellers
  • Google News Approved
  • High Authority Domain Metrics
  • 5,000-20,000 Daily Visits
  • Almost 3 million Total Visits
  • 70,000+ Verified Members
  • All Niches Accepted
  • 60-day Full Refund Guarantee

About Page Information: A Final Word

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UK B2B Promotions Agency = Additional Reading

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Header Menu Published on All Ste-B2B Pages/Posts

So, these can be located on the Floating Blue Header Menu. Situated near the top of this page. But, also published on each additional page. And, all posts.

Sidebar Published on All Ste-B2B Pages/Posts

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The 2025 Webmaster Secrets Collection, is an extensive, riveting and highly educational series of 65+ blog posts.

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100+ Digital Marketing & On/Offsite Tools




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