Web Hosting

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Domain Availability Search

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Web Hosting



Hello again,


Welcome to My Ste-B-B2B/Web-Hosting webpage, where you can find UK Unlimited cPanel Web Hosting from just £2/pm. With 12+ months terms there's even Free Unlimited cPanel Web Hosting Packages, providing yourself or your clients with FREE .com or .co.uk DOMAIN NAME REGISTRATION.

Because of the reason that my Web Hosting packages are priced so little, then I have since decided for my minimum Web Hosting Subscription period to begin at 3 month subscription packages - with the maximum Web Hosting Subscription period being capped at 3 years or triennial.

Please refer to the Web Hosting price chart provided below for Hosting Subscription Periods, including 3 Months, 6 Months, 12 Months, 24 Months or 36 Months Subscription Period Packages. You can easily upgrade or downgrade your Subscription Package Period anytime, within your Ste-B-B2B/ Client Portal area - supported through WHMCS, (Web Host Manager Complete System) Web Hosting Client Support Platform.



Web Hosting Cost per Term

3 Months
UK Unlimited cPanel Web Hosting Term
3 Months

Sorry - No Free Domain Registration with this Term

6 Months
UK Unlimited cPanel Web Hosting Term
6 Months

Sorry - No Free Domain Registration with this Term

24 Months
UK Unlimited cPanel Web Hosting Term
24 Months

Free 12 Months Domain Registration

36 Months
UK Unlimited cPanel Web Hosting Term
36 Months

Free 12 Months Domain Registration



Domain Availability Search

Enter your domain search below, select TLD (Domain Ending) then simply Click Go - This will check your domain suggestion availability.



Since you now realise the features, subscription periods, with relevant prices, you can now decide on which of my provided Ste-B-B2B/Web-Hosting/   UK Unlimited cPanel Web Hosting plan you would prefer to purchase. The most recent popular Web Hosting Subscription plan seems to be dominated by the 12 Months Subscription package.

Price Breakdown:

 3 Months = £15 or £5/pm -

 6 Months = £24 or £4/pm -

12 Months = £36 or £3/pm - Includes free .com or .co.uk domain registration

24 Months = £60 or £2.5/pm - Includes free .com or .co.uk domain registration

36 Months = £72 or £2/pm - Includes free .com or .co.uk domain registration

Please Note: My UK Unlimited cPanel Web Hosting packages are price displayed in £GBP currency, however my admin region default currency is conversion updated and dominated by $USD currency - for this very reason only, you may find upon your purchase that there are price discrepancies of a few pennies more or less, in reflection to the displayed £GBP currency prices on these webpages.



Thanks for viewing the Ste-B-B2B/Web-Hosting page - kindly browse through my additional, sensibly priced Business 2 Business Solutions and eCommerce/Web Services. All Ste-B-B2B services can be located via, either the header menu titles or the side menu titles. We have held a PayPal Verified Business Account since 2007. Mobile, Alexa, Adult and Social Media Traffic, plus Email campaigns can be viewed under 'Web Traffic' menu title.

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